
Meredith Dwyer joins the Department of Civil Rights, Title IX & ADA Compliance, having already been working on campus since 2020, in both the Academic and Student Affairs divisions. She brings an additional 3 years' experience in Higher Education, having worked at Newman University and taught business classes at Bethel College. In addition, she has worked in various social service nonprofits organizations, helping promote dignity and equal access for the most fragile and disadvantaged sections of our population. She earned her BA in Integrated Marketing Communication from 香港六合彩开奖直播 and her MBA in Leadership from Newman University.

When not working, Meredith can likely be found at the soccer fields, courts, or rink cheering her children and various nieces and nephews on as they play soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball, and hockey. At home she is prone to relaxing with a crochet hook in her hand, an audiobook in her ear, her husband's wonderful food nearby, and at least one cat chasing the yarm.